Time was passing all was good, it had been some months I talked with my family, my family disowned me as a trash and when I myself tried to contact them, they just refused to talk. It was my summer break and I thought to get back to my parents and say sorry to my mother for my behavior. I got my tickets booked from the money I collected while working in a café near my college. I took a Non Ac bus with full of passengers, this was all I could efford with my income. Luckily I got a window seat and I made myself adjust with it. Constantly travelling for 9 hours a train for 14 hours, I finally reached my destination. My first step on the ground gave me nostalgia and second step made me vomit with Bus sickness.
I touched my head and it was warm as sun. I didn't felt good nor I had enough money to get myself an auto-rickshaw, I already had spend all my money buying gifts for my family member and ticket of bus. I preferred to walk 6 Km with a heavy luggage thinking to surprise them all.
I was so, bad at accounts that, I didn't have even a single coin left with me. But, I didn't regret it that time. I have already planned that while returning back I will get some money from papa and book myself a train ticket.
Somehow, I reached my house and I got astonished seeing my house being decorated with light. I took out my phone and checked the dates and got conformed that it wasn't Diwali. I saw some of my relatives and when I went close I hear them gossiping.
"Poor, Ramlal he is getting his middle daughter married to a man twice her age." Someone said among group of relatives.
"So, true but, I even heard that, the man her middle daughter is getting married to is a divorcee." A Woman in that group said with a low pitched voice.
My heart got shattered hearing this, for a moment I ignored myself and thought that my sister, who was the most beautiful girl in the whole colony and she was getting married to a man twice her age. "How can my parents do this? How Reni got ready for this?" I asked myself.
Suddenly, my younger sister knocked me from back and said "Didi, why are you here? You should'nt hav come here, if Mamma and papa saw you, they will create a seen! Please Didi go away."
"Why should I worry about them? You tell me Siya, what is this happening?" I asked her with amusement.
"Didi please understand, we cannot talk here, please let's go inside and talk!" she pleased me.
"Why are you behaving in a strange manner Siya?" I went inside with her, while I was going inside she was constantly hiding my face with her scarf, I was confused but, I didn't paid much attention to it.
She took me inside a room where she called Mamma and papa. Mamma saw me with eyes full of anger and stress; she said "what is this girl doing here? Why are you here Sara?"
"Mamma, you are asking from me? I ask you, why you didn't inform me about this?" I snorted at her.
"Sara, speak softly, there are guests in our house. We don't want any seen here!"She gasped.
"Sara, behave yourself and get out from my house!" My father snorted.
While having arguments my eyes went towards a photo frame which made me numb for a moments, my brain was recalling all my childhood incidents I had in my house and my legs were shivering with trauma, my whole world shattered that day, I didn't had much tears to cry about it.
"Go away right now, aren't you listening what am I saying?" My father shouted at me.
"No...No I won't...I won't go" I cried and shouted at the same time. My voice was so loud that my brother came inside the room with my uncle and aunt including.
"What is she doing here papa?" My elder brother gasped.
"OMG! She is here I thought she ran away with a boy. I think the boy dumped him." My aunt laughed.
"Papa what is she doing here?" my elder brother shouted at my father.
"What's your problem Bhaiya? It's my choice to be anywhere!" I snorted holding back my tears.
"Sara, mind you." My mother shouted at me.
"Why should I? Mamma what is this photo frame? You considered me dead! That's why you didn't want me to be here." I cried out loud even I tried holding back my tears, but I couldn't.
"So, what could we have done, it was important for your sister to get married but, being an elder sister you didn't got married, we had no choice else doing this!" My mother yelled over me.
"Forget me Mamma... forget me. Tell me why are you marring your middle daughter with an old man, who is twice her age? She was your obedient daughter right? Why with her Mamma? Why?" I snorted at my mother again with a very high pitch.
"Because, we didn't have enough money for dowry and he is your elder brother's business partner. He won't demand for enough money." My father shouted back at me.
"You told me that you have to save dowry for your daughters that's why you cannot afford my college! And now, you don't have money." I laughed with tears in my eyes.
"We gave that money in your elder brother's business." My father replied with a low voice.
"Oh wow, great Papa great...after spending thirty lakhs in Bhaiya's degree you went to invest 17 lakhs more in his business? Wonderful! Papa... ha-ha-ha." I snorted at my father.
"Answer me, Papa please answer me. Your worthless Son who did engineering and now, he failed in his business. Isn't dead for you guys, but your daughter who is paying her own college fees is dead for you?" I laughed while weeping my tears.
My father was quiet but, my arrogant brother spoke his harsh words "Sara mind it, it's our choice with whom we want Reni to get married!"
"You just shut your mouth, you aren't capable of speaking right now, nor you earn neither you do anything rather than drinking alcohol." I snorted at him. Hearing this mother slapped me and said 'get out of my house right now."
I took my stuffs and my bags and went out of that house; I had fever I wasn't willing to walk. But, I still decided to walk. That day, my heart got shattered, it broke into piece. While getting inside my house I got a smile on my face and while coming out side I lost that smile.
HEy i'm Harshita singh...a 17 year old...i'm not a professional but, might be my stories are...i wan't you to check it and if you find any mistakes in it just leave me a comment..
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